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Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Chapter 2 Objectives

Objective 1-

The history of Sports and Entertainment marketing goes way back all the way to the 14th century.  In 1550, the introduction to outdoor entertainment was produced with outdoor activities such as bowling, amusement rides, music, and dancing.  Following up with that, in 1858, the first recorded baseball game was played in New York City.  In 1906 NCAA was created and college athletics were formed at many schools.   In July, 1926 NBC was created and sports were filmed across the US.  This was a short history of Sports and Entertainment marketing and when it began.

Objective 3-

Sports and Entertainment marketing uses tools to sell their products.  One tool is a TV commercial.  Big stations such as NBC cost a lot to have a commercial but companies still have them because it does very well advertising.  Another tool is a billboard.  Many companies use billboards on the side of roads and highways t advertise a sports game or a new product.  It does very powerful advertising.  Another tool is an ad in a newspaper or magazine.  Popular newspapers like USA Today or Sports Illustrated can really help a companies product by advertising it in a page read by millions of people.  These are three example of tools sports and entertainment marketers use to sell their products.  


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