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Friday, June 19, 2015

Nutrition Survey Blog

What we tried to find in the survey was what type of nutrition habits that athletes in this school had during the season and/or on game day. 

 Yes the demographic questions helped understand the difference in not only the number of sports the different genders played, but the different nutrition habits each had as well.  

If I could change one thing, I would have added more detailed questions in the survey.  I wish that I could take the people who answered that are competitive athletes, and survey a more detailed list of nutrition questions.

There really was no difference in boys vs girls.  The only difference was that people who participated in 2+ sports tended to care more about their nutrition on game days.

The question that told  us the most was "What do you eat/drink during your game?"  This question told us the most because we got a huge variety of answers.  It seemed that the people who played more sports tended to have drinks such as Gatorade while they played.

We can summarize that people who took the survey they played multiple sports tend to watch what they eat on game days.  They also tend to listen to a trainer or a coach for help with sports nutrition.  People who didn't play sports had the tendency to not care as much about what they eat on game days.  

What I like d about this project was that it was really wide open.  We could ask whatever questions we want under not many guideline.  It was cool to see the results.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Chapter 3

What I found was the easiest task in this assignment was finding the straight up facts such as where something began or how many schools are in a division.  It made it easier to have a partner because the work is cut in half.  I would have not minded doing this alone at all because it didn't take too much time. I think this is definitely a fair assessment of the chapter 3 material because it covers all the material we did in an enjoyable way instead of studying and taking a difficult test.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Chapter 2 Objectives

Objective 1-

The history of Sports and Entertainment marketing goes way back all the way to the 14th century.  In 1550, the introduction to outdoor entertainment was produced with outdoor activities such as bowling, amusement rides, music, and dancing.  Following up with that, in 1858, the first recorded baseball game was played in New York City.  In 1906 NCAA was created and college athletics were formed at many schools.   In July, 1926 NBC was created and sports were filmed across the US.  This was a short history of Sports and Entertainment marketing and when it began.

Objective 3-

Sports and Entertainment marketing uses tools to sell their products.  One tool is a TV commercial.  Big stations such as NBC cost a lot to have a commercial but companies still have them because it does very well advertising.  Another tool is a billboard.  Many companies use billboards on the side of roads and highways t advertise a sports game or a new product.  It does very powerful advertising.  Another tool is an ad in a newspaper or magazine.  Popular newspapers like USA Today or Sports Illustrated can really help a companies product by advertising it in a page read by millions of people.  These are three example of tools sports and entertainment marketers use to sell their products.  


Chapter 1 Research

Jay Gallagher

The Boston Bruins organization is in the National Hockey League and do a very good job promoting charitable work for the community.  The Bruins annually team up with the U.S. Marine Corps and their charitable organization “Toys for Tot’s”. The mission of the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots Program is to collect new, unwrapped toys each year, and distribute those toys as Christmas gifts to less fortunate children in the community in which the campaign is conducted. The  goal of Toys for Tots is to deliver, new toys at Christmas, and  a message of hope to less fortunate children that will help them in becoming responsible, productive, patriotic citizens.  During the Christmas season, bruins players and staff travel to stores such as Target, and purchase new toys for the unfortunate kids.  This is a really good deed by the entire Bruins organization that shows that theres more to life than just hockey.

Toy’s For Tot’s helps benefit the Bruins because they are raising awareness for a good cause, bringing a good name for the Bruins.  Some sports fans and citizens hold hatred towards million dollar athletes and companies, but to see all these famous hockey player’s helping out the community and children, brings a good name to the athletes themselves as well as the Bruins.  People see that the Bruins are donating their time and money to a good cause and it makes them look like good people.  By teaming up with the U.S. Marine Corps Toys For Tots program, the Boston Bruins get great recognition for the types of people they are and the good deeds they do.


Hi, My name is Jay Gallagher and this is my Sports and Entertainment Marketing Blog.  I am very interested in this class and I hope to enjoy it.  Thank You.